Monday, November 15, 2010

The weekend.


New blog, after a short affair with Tumblr. It was fun at first, until I slowly realised that every Tumblr blog looked like a clone of the next, with everyone reblogging images and whatnots, and of course how Tumblr seems to be down all the time. Decided to move back to Blogger, which according to the Internet, sucks. According to the Internet, everything sucks, even the Internet.

Saturday, November 13th
Day was spent outside visiting museums for my school report on events in Singapore. Stupid teacher gave us a list of events to choose from, half of those were already over. Not much of a choice left, eh?

First stop, the Peranakan Museum, which you can tell by the name, specialises in Peranakan culture, and is an extension of the Asian Civilisations Museum, forming a part of Singapore's national museums.

Looked at a bunch of Peranakan artefacts before going down to the main attraction of my visit, the Ramayana Revisted special exhibition.

The Ramayana is one of India's two great epics, the other being the Mahabharata (have no idea what it's about), and is an important part of Hindu canon. There are adaptations of the epic, such as in Thai, Malay, and Burmese.

Basically, Vishnu incarnates in mortal form to protect the world from demons. Yah. It's an epic so I shan't bore you with the details. Exhibition was very interesting, but also very empty, unfortunately (the Peranakan Museum isn't all that famous).

Next stop was the National Museum of Singapore, but first I stopped at the Singapore Philatetic Museum, which is about... stamps. Main reason I stopped there was to see the Iron Man collectibles they had on display. Exhibition was tiny, main attraction was this really badass life size statue of the Warmachine.

After that I looked at the stamps, left for the National Museum, got my ticket, entered the exhibition straight away (no time for the other galleries unfortunately). Gallery was about ancient Pompeii, a Roman town that was completely destroyed by a volcanic eruption by Mount Vesuvius back in 79 CE. Some coins, statues of Aphrodite and Dionysus (the Romans call them Venus and Bacchus), bits of armour etc, as well as resin casts of victims of the eruption. Really cool.

Made my way down to 313@Somerset, hoping to purchase some jeans from Uniqlo, turned off by the crowd, left. Cooked half of dinner, burned my hand with hot oil (ouch!). My mother had to finish cooking for us.

Sunday, November 14th
Museum day again, this time brought my mother along so I could get a different opinion. Weather was horrible.

Stopped at Vivocity first, again to hunt for jeans. Diesel was having a sale with discounts of up to 70%. Unfortunately when I got there there was almost nothing left to choose from. Disappointed.

Brief stop at Peranakan Museum before heading down to TripleOne Somerset, a really sad, dismal place in my opinion, houses mainly for offices, as well as Singapore's first (and so far only) Applebee's. for dinner at Imperial Treasure Windows of Hong Kong.

Paid a visit to Mandarin Gallery, still hunting for jeans. Went to The Denim Store as well as Bread and Butter to take a look. Expensive (S$300-400), so I didn't get anything.

Brief stop at TampinesOne, finally got a new pair of jeans at Uniqlo. Easily affordable, good quality, pretty happy with my purchase. Denim from Japan is undisputedly the best.

Monday, November 15th
Feeling like shit, skipped school. Went to see the doctor, got some meds and antiseptic cream for my burns. Found out today about this place in Orchard that carries Edwin (EDWIN!) jeans. All of a sudden my Uniqlo purchase didn't seem so great.

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