Friday, November 19, 2010

Cannibal Corpse - Priests of Sodom

Always lots of people reading their newspapers on the train in the morning. Saw some interesting things.

First: "Singaporean scholar caught downloading child porn in Britain."

Lovely. And look at this.

"The Press said Wong's offences came to light after fellow students alerted the campus authorities about suspicious audio files being uploaded onto the university's intranet."

So he was downloading child porn using the University's internets? He's just begging to get arrested.

Next: "(Taylor) Swift's songs are such sizzlers."

Allow me to correct that. "Swift's songs suck much."

Much better.

Lastly: "大S大赞老公帅"

Which roughly translates too "Dà S (what a stupid nickname) praises husband for being handsome."

Some Taiwanese celebrity says her husband is handsome. And it ended up in the papers. Oh, how absolutely newsworthy!

Local media is so fucking lame.

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